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Stretch'n Flow "On Demand"

Introducing the Strength’n Restore Series!

8 Classes, 4 weeks of unlimited access, flow through your practice til your heart's content.

Classes anytime, anywhere...


For a limited time only!

This is how it works.

You will have access to the current library of 8 classes from the time you register until 11:59 PM EST on Saturday, November 30, 2024. Access will expire at 11:59 PM EST on Saturday, November 30, 2024.

When you register, please include name, email address (phone number is optional), through the link below. Please send payment separately via Zelle. Once payment has been received, I will email you a password to access the videos below.

Payment of $50 for unlimited access of current series until Saturday, November 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST. Please send payment when you register.


PAYMENT - $50 (via Zelle account: 917-568-8279)


Registration for this current series will close on Wednesday, November 13 at 5:30 PM EST.


Check back for updates. Stay tuned!

"Strength'n Restore

This series will consist of 8 half hour classes, 4 dedicated to strengthening a specific area/function of the body, while 4 dedicated to restore it. So expect poses like Navasana or Boat Pose & Plank to strengthen & tone the abdominal muscles in Strength’n Core, while opening up the front body & hips with Deep Supported Bridge Pose in Core’n Restore. To open the front body while strengthening the shoulders & back, Dolphin Pose should do the trick in Strength’n Shoulders while helping find release in Matsyasana or Supported Fish Pose in Shoulders’n Restore. To work the entire lower part of the body, i.e, glutes, hamstrings, and quads to maintain stability, Lunges & its many variations are the way to go in Strength’n Stability while Reclining Half Hero's Pose to stretch out in Stability’n Restore. Finally,  balancing postures like Virabhadrasana III or Warrior III to work the legs & IT band in Strength’n Shoulders , countering with Supta Padangusthasana or Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose in Balance’n Restore.


Not only that, I have incorporated my latest playlist, “The Wondrous World of Yoga” to keep the body moving!


Want to mix & match. No Problem! All classes are designed to compliment each other, so you can also pick & choose the class you want, going at your own pace.

To access, click on class below, then enter password.



(Check back weekly for series & schedule updates.)


Core Strength.jpg

Strength'n Core
(35 mins)

Recommended Props:
2 blocks/ 2 standard bath towels
1 yoga blanket/ 1 large bath/beach towel

Core Restore.jpg

Core'n Restore
(37 mins)

Recommended Props:
1 yoga bolster/2 pillows

2 blocks/ 2 standard bath towels
1 yoga blanket/ 1 large bath/beach towel

Shoulder Strength.jpg

Strength'n Shoulders
(34 mins)

Recommended Props:
2 blocks/ 2 standard bath towels
1 yoga blanket/ 1 large bath/beach towel

Shoulder Restore.jpg

Shoulders'n Restore
(37 mins)

Recommended Props:
1 yoga bolster/2 pillows

2 blocks/ 2 standard bath towels
1 yoga blanket/ 1 large bath/beach towel

Lunge Strength.jpg

Strength'n Stability
(35 mins)

Recommended Props:
2 blocks/ 2 standard bath towels
1 yoga blanket/ 1 large bath/beach towel

Lunge Restore.jpg

Stability'n Restore
(37 mins)

Recommended Props:
1 yoga bolster/2 pillows

2 blocks/ 2 standard bath towels
1 yoga blanket/ 1 large bath/beach towel

Balance Strength.jpg

Strength'n Balance
(35 mins)

Recommended Props:
2 blocks/ 2 standard bath towels
1 yoga blanket/ 1 large bath/beach towel

Balance Restore.jpg

Balance'n Restore
(36 mins)

Recommended Props:
1 yoga bolster/2 pillows

2 blocks/ 2 standard bath towels
1 yoga blanket/ 1 large bath/beach towel
1 yoga strap/ belt/ rope

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